Ihr Platz in Budapest

Pest Side, 7. Bezrik

Alter Jüdischer Bezirk


Anz. in der Nachbarschaft


#partydistrict #ruinpubs #szimplakert #kazinczystreet #lotofbars #pubcrawls #manytourists #streetfood #designerclothes #conceptstyle #upcyclingdesign #ex-jewishquarter #colorful #crazy #bohemian #craftbeerparadise #speakyeasybars  #nightlife 



The smallest district comes with the biggest nightlife





It is in the middle of Pest side downtown, following the Capital "C" City Center, right after the intersection of Astoria subway station, from the Small Boulevard till the Great Boulevard from the "downtown speedway" Rákóczi street till the well-known Király street.


The former "Jewish District" and the territory of the WW2 Budapest Jewish Ghetto changed a lot in the last few years. It depends at which part of the day you explore it. It shows an extremely different face during the day than after 11 PM.
In the daylight hours (after the clean up of last night's mess) it is only a normal, cozy colorful zone with interesting shops and remarkable firewall paintings
and only the crowded breakfast places at early afternoon make it a bit suspicious to be something extraordinary. But when the night comes the party tourists like vampires invade the streets.
Usually is not as horrible as it sounds and as it said to be by the antagonists of this comic. Many times it is even worth to join the flood to get into international interaction with a wanderer of a random nation. Not to mention if you really dive into this bar scene with your full attention you can easily face the fact that despite Budapest party district is touristy, it is touristy for a reason. Unlike in many standard pub zones of big European cities here is really worth to pay attention to the small details. Because there are small details, lot of creativity, concept and visual jokes in the design of these pubs. They reveal themselves to those who don't get satisfied with getting unconsciously drunk of cheap alcohol.
Of course it is not only about the pub scene. Gentrification 2.0 is already in progress and the already partly shaked up zone is about to change to its next version.
New buildings are before getting raised up, also a new downtown park is in development. Further building frontages are going to be renovated and some old or not so old pubs are replaced by newer type of gastronomical venues: Hungarian cuisine, BBQ kitchen or quality Italian pizza slice joint. Not to mention the newest wave of wine bars and craft beer bars that focus on the quality drink and quality food in a friendly, cozy way.
This is an exciting new chapter of an already interesting longer story. Stay tuned!


(Wether you are a VISITOR or a soon to be / wannabe RESIDENT!)

- Ruin bars in old abandoned buildings with the creative concepts of crazy minds
- Gozsdu udvar (yard), a mediterranean-like building complex from the early 1900's turned into a gastronomical paradise - the probably most beloved and visited nightlife spots of current day's Hungary. 
- Madách square and Madách road with a square and a road concentrated around an unique building complex with an Arch like element. Once upon a time It should be the gate of an never achieved avenue before WW1. Now it is a popular city centre meeting point instead, renovated few years ago.
source of photo: www.erzsebetvaros.hu
- Hungarian cuisine in reformed, cozy form
- Various street food: Hungarian or international, remixed or randomly creative, even a street food court
- Design shops for fashion or interior design
- Always candidates of newest trendy bar genres: as last type: "speakeasy" style
- Some freshly renovated streets, some with modern paving (Kazinczy street, Síp street)
- At summer many colorful, vivid garden bars are hiding in courtyards.
- More local and international craft beer to get as you probably would guess
- Fascinating firewall paintings
Drop your preconceptions: doesn't matter that it is a Touristic spot with capital T, visit Szimpla kert - The oldest and most famous ruin bars is more than just worth it.
Take a walk in every street of the street grid and MAKE A FIREWALL PAINTING TOUR - you can walk through every street within few hours and you will experience countless paintings on firewalls. Do it quickly because some of them will be sacrificed by the new building developments.
Try to do a pub crawl in Kazinczy street. Enter every single spot and exit only ones that you don't find even a bit special after 2 minutes. It can be a long tour. 
Make an experiment with yourself how many days could you eat lunch menu at different places after each other?
Historical sights
  • Great Synagogue in Dohány street
  • Ghetto Memorial wall in Dohány street

source of this photo: greatsynagoge.hu

Squares in the area
  • Madách square - The most significant and characteristic square of the neighborhood as it's written above
  • Kéthly Anna square - The most quite one - It is not especially worth to visit alone, just by walking by.
  • Klauzál square - It has its charm, it is wild, chaotic and has some quite a few interesting spots around
Breakfast out of home
  • Szimpla HáztájiThe biggest ruin pub trade mark is also prepared for the morning, just next too it
  • Á Table - Charming french style small shop at a corner.
  • Cirkusz - Night life buzz in the morning time. Very colorful breakfast spot with beautiful plates and legendary coffee roasted on the scene.
  • Keksz - This is not an obvious hint for breakfast. They are a place for the whole day. But one of the strongest period is the morning at theirs due to their fabulously delicious breakfasts (salmon and olives omlett and English breakfast are the tried out winners so far)

Hungarian Cuisine

  • Gettó Gulyás: Newwave design place with classic Hungarian courses

International Street Food

  • Karaván: Street Food Court with a great variousity of different goodies
  • Mexican Food: El Rapido (also tequila bar)
  • Pizza Me: Naples style slice bar chain. One of the fav of the residents. More spots nearby. 
  • Hamburger: Kandalló - Quality beer and Quality burger together, FIRST Craft Beer & BBQ - Big Beer Trademark, trendy burger

Ruin Pubs

  • Szimpla Kert: The oldest, the most iconic, the most detailed with the most surprises. Own wine bar, own craft beer bar inside. With DJ nights, open mic events, concerts and Sunday markets. Awlays full with progressive ideas.
  • Fogasház feat. Instant & co.: This is rather a ruin club complex. They are for the night (and dawn), different music genres in different parts. The union of two famous veteran ruin bars.
  • Extra: More elegant than the older wave of ruin pubs
  • Mazel Tow: A classified ruin restaurant. Food is a highlighted feature. Sometimes with live music.

Culture Bars

  • Kisüzem - Many times with different exhibitions, it always feels artisty
  • Fekete kutya ("black dog") - live music
  • Lámpás - Cult place, music cellar with open stage events. Underground feeling guaranteed! 
  • Mika Tivadar Mulató - Cultural events, thematic musical evenings

Garden Bars

  • Grandio - Maybe the most enchanting one. Like a botanical garden with bohemian upcycling design. It is part of a hostel. 
  • Mika kert - The own summer garden of Mika Tivadar Mulató
  • Kőleves kert - Cozy and cool
  • Rácskert - Seems more simple at first time but sometimes they have even folk music nights.


Craft Beer Bars

  • Csak a jó sör - Means "only good beer" - one of the cult places. Actually a beer shop with several taps. The owner it one of the biggest beer enthusiastic people of Budapest beer scene and it's a brewer himself.
  • Hopaholic: The bar version of "csak a jó sör" on three levels with easy pub snacks and incredible great selection from Hungarian and International, also unique, rare beers.
  • Léhűtő: One of the oldest, foundamental craft beer bars of the Hungarian craft beer revolution, at the corner of Gozsdu udvar
  • Kandalló: Gastropub with huge craft beer selections. Also famous of high-quality hamburger.
  • Beer Point: Rare combination of large scale beer and craft beer selection with pub food on decent, friendly price
  • Hops: Small shop for many beers. Also lot of international ones.
  • Labor - It is inside the Szimpla kert as the trade mark craft beer bar of Hungary's probably most progressive and active totally crazy brewers, the Mad Scientist.
  • FIRST Craft Beer & BBQ: Gastropub with Beers of the house, other Hungarian and International beers
  • Kispipa Craft Beer and More - Also a trade mark shop for a Hungarian microbrewery with good quality various beers but they have always some quest beers on taps and more in bottles. Also a gastropub. The design is more compatible with ladies than usual.

Weekend party

  • Brklyn - Trendy, upclass, "cool"
  • El Látó ház - Crowded, popular on the first floor of a hostel
  • DobozA ruin party place with a three in the middle. 
Coffees to work from
  • Dorado Coffee - A co-working office like coffee space with a Hungarian-Spanish couple
  • Magvető Café - A unique literally café in a book store of a great publisher.
Lunch Menu
  • Fat MammaThis is also one of the first ideas of local people when it comes to having lunch in the area. Modern cuisine, illustrious foods.
  • Klauzál Café - The classic one, with charming, nostalgic atmosphere and classic courses
  • Keksz - Modern, cool, colorfool design inside and outside but the food is even better
  • Konyha - The name means kitchen and they hold on to it. They always have something to surprise you with.
  • Klauzál Square Market Hall - Recently renovated classic market hall in the middle of the area
  • Szimpla Sunday Farmer's Market: A market in a ruin pub? It is exactly as exciting as it sounds. Small farmer's products: cheese, chili, salami, sausage, honey, wine, syrups, etc. - you can taste, you can eat, you can drink. It comes with an "all you can eat" big brunch table or / and with an outdoor cooking in kettle.

To see the available apartments also in this area and in other Budapest neighborhoods, click
