Ihr Platz in Budapest

Pest Side, 8. Bezirk

Corvin Promenade Bezirk


Anz. in der Nachbarschaft


Corvin Promenade Quarter

#NewBuildingComplex, #Developments, #CozyStreets, #Grund, #CorvinPlage, #Korut, #Restaurants, #RentalBuildings, #RenewProjects, #Restaurants, #Pubs, #CorvinCinema, #Shopping Hall, #PedestriantsZone, #Stex, #Casino, #Wellness, #SportCenter

Corvin Promenade Quarter is one of the most frequent central area of Budapest, concerning life, economy and traffic. Since 2013 here we can find the biggest city center innovation project in Eastern Europe.

 Corvin Promenade

It results a modern, green and cosy quarter of the inner circle of Budapest.

Horváth Mihály Square

We can see a great mixture of historical civilian buildings and brand new houses.


Spaces for new rebuilding project

It is easy to approach Corvin Promenade Quarter, here are M3 and M4 underground lines, as well 4/6 tram which is bordered by Ferenc Boulevard in the West.

First we can visit here Corvin Cinema and behind that the Corvin Pláza which is located in a historical place. Corvin Cinema was an important hot spot during the ’56s Hungarian Revolution. In the cinema hall we can find a photo gallery as well about this milestone of the Hungarian history.

Corvin Cinema

Corvin Pláza is a middle-sized mall center, where you can choose from several shops and stores, even from the most famous brands. In the mall you can find several restaurants and cafés like Frei Café, Starbucks, KFC, Bellozzo, Burger King, Chinese and Turkish restaurants.

Corvin Mall

Corvin Promenade begins behind the mall which is full of café houses, restaurants and casino can be found here as well.

The statue of Carlo Pedersoli (as known Bud Spencer) stands here which was made by Szandra Tasnasi sculptor. The idea was accepted because it represents the respectful way of his life thanks to his sporting and movie career.

Several grocery store is located on the Promenade where everyone can find some goods for a living.

Cafés and Restaurants create a special atmosphere on the Promenade.

Next to the Corvin Promenade Quarter is Práter Street, in which the well-known Hungarian characters, the 'Pál utcai fiúk' Statue stands which got the name about one of the most well-known, popular Hungarian book, written by Ferenc Molnár.

On your way on ’Körút’, you can taste various type of pizza’s and a small piece of Italien gastronomy in restaurant ’Trattoria Venezia’. Than just right straight forward on your way, you meet Stex ház’ which is a very popular place here, well–known about various type of beers, wines, and as well can be a great choice if you would like to try a tasty steak or a nice Hungarian speciality.


Universities around

Semmelweis Uni (Egyetem Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Bőronkológiai Klinika)

Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics


Walk on Corvin Promenade

In the Mall you can find several restaurants and cafés and behind the mall it continuous.

You start to take a walk on the Promenade, and as well it is full of shops, restaurants, bars, pubs...

If you like Balkanian food and you would like to eat a great baklava or burek, you can do it in the well-known Croatian Mlinar Café. As well they provide you various type of tasty sandwiches, great aroma coffees.

In front of Mlinar you can visit Costa Café which is attended by plenty of people, perfect for a meeting, for tasting a great Arabic coffee, for a little working or for a group study work with your schoolmates together. Here is Epic Burger as well, which will be your favorite if you are a burger lover.

After a good meal or coffee, if you would like to drink some special and tasteful wine with some chocolate, you can do it here around as well, in Vino Vonka. It is located just in front of Epic Burger.


Furthermore, Portum and Kompót Bistros are appropriate places which are worth to visit as well.

You can find your different type of basic shops too, like Rossmann Drogerie, Mr.Fruit Delicates, Lidl and Casino ’Las Vegas’ is located in this area as well.

Corvin Project History and Data - the biggest city center innovation project

This project is the biggest Central- Europe city rehabilitation investment, including 22 hectare city central area. As well it is the biggest in progress real-estate development with its 500 000 m2 area for construction.

Corvin Promenade is 800 m long pedestrian zone, in Corvin Promenade Quarter landscaped, as well awarded as a new symbol of Budapest and a 10 000 m2 meeting point, built by Robert Townsend English landscape architect.

It is an internationally famous and awarded area. In 2010 the project won the „The Best Multifunction Real-Estate Project of Europe” Award by Property Awards. Furthermore, it was awarded for the first place of Urban Land Institute (ULI) Global Award for Excellence which is known as the Oscar of real- estate developments.

The 22 hectare Corvin Promenade includes:

- 2800 new apartments, 150 000 m2 new offices, 10 000 new public areas and a unique K+F Center.

- Its 500th apartment was sold in July 2007.

Some of the Project Buildings

Cordia Premier House: The first main stone was built on 30th August 2006, this 180 new apartments included implementation was finished in February 2009. Built by „Bálint and Partner”.

Fontana House: The main unique characteristics of this house is that in its 60 apartments the fan-coil system is provided by geothermical energy. All in 240 new apartment was built in the house. The main builder is called Juhari Katalin (representative of M-Teampannon Company).

Cordia City Garden: Its implementation started on 27th May 2008, including 346 aparments. Based on the high market  demand, most of the apartments here were sold out very fastly. Its main builders were Csomay Zsófia and Lente András (from CET Budapest Kft. – Archiflex Studio).

Cordia Art Residence: It is the smallest part of the apartment projects, in Nagy Templom street, including 54 newly built apartments. On the frontspice of the house we can see the artwork of Kelemen Zénó, called Madárka.