in Budapest city center indipendent private rooms flat in the center. TAke a look at the feedbacks below the photos ;-) just add/write me on f b i am Charly Controtempo, u can find the photo album here Location:Horvath Mihaly ter. Close to Mc Donald at the cross between Joszef Korut and Baross utca,(Harminckettessek ter tram 4/6 stop) Behind the church in Horvath Mihaly ter,is a little pedestrian street close to car traffic,with university at the end (BKF) The trasportation available are optimal: -tram 4 or 6 stop Joszef Korut (Harminckettessek tere/Mc Donald)(to BME,ecc) -bus 9 (to Kalvin ter and Deak Ferenc), (te ELTE, Pazmany,Ceu,ecc) -night bus 909 (same of daily 9) -bus 89 (to Fovam ter and Kalvin ter),(to Corvinus,Semmelweiss,ecc) -Metro 4 in Kalvin ter+Racokzi ter, -Metro 3 in corvin Is very well close and linked to the university of technology,economics,veterinary,medicine,letters and catholic university (bkf,BME,ELTE,Corvinus,Pazmany,Semelweiss,CEU,ecc.) FOr Example of route and time please take a look under to photo i post the complete time to university Its at 1 floor, NO TRAFFIC NOISE! the flat is completely renewed,the neighbourhood is very quite and calm. The condominium is very silent. The flat is fully furnished.Furniture NEW:Washing machine-Microwave-Bathroom air conditioning thermostat temperature selectable with remote control-Kitchen,gas top and and electro owen. The rooms are completely private indipendent with a wood galery/loft in each room that separate a "studio" zone from a "night" zone. The flat has big perimetral wall (50cm)and the rooms have WOOD FLOOR with hollow space behind (VERY WARM) the windows are DOUBLE glass and,so the winter is not so cold and the rooms heating system is gas and is cheap. -Wi-fi fiber connection is on. Neighbourhood are Stex (kitchen cheap and open till 4 am),Mc Donald,CBA supermarket,Plus discount,chinese restaurant,non stop market,DVD rent,pubs,ecc
Corvin Promenade Quarter
#NewBuildingComplex, #Developments, #CozyStreets, #Grund, #CorvinPlage, #Korut, #Restaurants, #RentalBuildings, #RenewProjects, #Restaurants, #Pubs, #CorvinCinema, #Shopping Hall, #PedestriantsZone, #Stex, #Casino, #Wellness, #SportCenter
Corvin Promenade Quarter is one of the most frequent central area of Budapest, concerning life, economy and traffic. Since 2013 here we can find the biggest city center innovation project in Eastern Europe.
Corvin Promenade
It results a modern, green and cosy quarter of the inner circle of Budapest.
Horváth Mihály Square
We can see a great mixture of historical civilian buildings and brand new houses.
Spaces for new rebuilding project
It is easy to approach Corvin Promenade Quarter, her...